Nichols & Beenes Bus Tours
Traveling by bus is an experiance you will never forget. The busses seat a limit of 50 people and by the end of the trip
you are all like family. Carolyn Nichols and Terry Beene has been doing bus tours all over the nation and have even gone on 2 cruises to Cozumel since they started in 1994. They have done over 100 tours to Branson, Mo. and also have gone to Nashville, Tn., Smokey Mountains,
Colorado Springs, South Dakota, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Big Bend, Texas Hill Country, San Antonio, Tx., and Palo Duro Canyon.
All Current Bus Tours
Spring Tour
May 18 - 21, 2017
Thursday - Sunday Fall Foliage Tour
October 6 - 9, 2017
Friday - Monday Christmas Tour
November 16 - 19, 2017
Thursday - Sunday Nashville
July 13 - 16, 2017
Thursday - Sunday